Wow! Summer comes and the time just flies by and gets away from me! There's been so much going on and there's alot of fun things coming up before Fall hits. However....this year I am super excited for Fall. October especially....... Because we are going back to NYC!!!!!!!!!!! I can not wait. The countdown and planning has been going for quite some time and we are now under 100 days until our trip. =) It's going to be absolutely amazing and this time we are going for 11 days!!!!!!! It really does get harder to come home each time. I know every moment of the 11 days will be filled with fun and excitement! We will do some things again that we love, and of course "The List" has acquired many new things we have found that we plan to do. It's just going to be so amazing!
A few weeks ago I found myself in Las Vegas with my husband for a conference he went to for work. I remember back somewhere around the year 2000 when we first went to Vegas and I was in awe of the city and especially New York New York Las Vegas. At that time I had not been to nor really dreamt I'd ever see the "real" New York so I spent alot of time there taking everything in and thought it was really neat. Which it is...... However, there is only 1 New York City and there's "no place in the world that can compare"!
Frank Gehry building I stumbled upon when out for a walk.... I learned more about this amazing architect after falling in love with his work in NYC. A fun surprise in Vegas! =) |
This trip, while he was in conference, I found myself wandering back to NYNY Hotel and Casino looking for a little spark of the excitement of my favorite city.......... And while things were cute and kitschy - there was nothing that could compare.
I did my husband to Serendipity 3 - and while the food was just as good as the original - the atmosphere and feel of NYC could never be duplicated. I also took him to Max Brenner's Chocolate By The Bald Man in the Caesar's Forum Shops which was fun as he has heard me talk about the one in NYC so much. =) And lastly I was really hoping to take him to the new Carmine's opening in Caesar's as well but it wasn't open just yet. Maybe next visit =) My point...... there is only one NYC and while things may be originated there - you can try and replicate them all you want but the energy and feel of that city lives in NYC and nowhere else! It's hard to describe.

So even as busy as things have been this summer I always find time to keep up on the goings on in NYC and add to our growing "list" of things to do. We already have some event tickets and a calendar that is very quickly filling up as there are so many awesome things we are planning to do. Our NYC vacations are non stop from the moment we arrive. We want to take in and live as much of the NYC experience we can possibly pack in to each moment. And we love it all. I will confess.....since unpacking from Vegas - one suitcase remains out. And there just may possibly be a few silly things already packed in it for October. That's just how excited mom and I get for our trips there!
A few random shops from inside New York New York Hotel and Casino....
One of me and the husband in front of the famous Las Vegas sign |
And opening soon in NYC! Minus 5 Ice bar! It will be in the New York Hilton Midtown. A very unique experience that we really enjoyed at the Monte Carlo, Las Vegas! I can only imagine what NYC themed sculptures they will have in the New York location. Would be fun to take mom there! We are from Nebraska - we can take the cold!!!!! =)